Be Present: Live Each Day as if It Were Your Last
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Be Present: Live Each Day as if It Were Your Last

In modern times, we all now possess the ability to freeze time, capturing fleeting moments that would otherwise slip away. Yet, amidst the pursuit of taking a picture that will last a lifetime or to share it with family and friends, we sometimes forget to live in the present, to appreciate the beauty unfolding before our eyes. The mantra "Live each day as if it were your last" is not just an inspirational quote but a powerful reminder to immerse ourselves fully in the now, both as artists and as individuals.

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Persist Until You Succeed
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Persist Until You Succeed

Photography is the art form of creating images by capturing light from a moment in time and space with all its emotion and story. This pursuit requires an eager eye and technical know-how but also passionate dedication to the craft. As a photographic artist, a light-worker, I have chosen to devote my life to being a bright light in the world. This conscious decision to answer the call has given me the privilege to walk through and experience various creative landscapes. Throughout my life so far, I am finally coming to understand one vital lesson: persistence is the key to excellence.

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Greet Each Day with Love in Your Heart
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Greet Each Day with Love in Your Heart

The present moment flies by and to capture the perfect shot often feels like a race against time. How easily, I get caught up in the hustle and bustle. However, amidst the rush, I have found a powerful force that has transformed not just my work but my life: love. Greeting each day with love in my heart is not just a philosophical mantra; it's a guiding principle that has profoundly influenced my art and the connections I make when I am out in the streets of Los Angeles.

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Sharing Work and Embracing Criticism
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Sharing Work and Embracing Criticism

In my early years as a photographer, upon getting my hands on a roll of film, I would rush out the door and snap away without care for composition nor exposure. My impulsive manner of shooting was akin to capturing lightning in a bottle. From the 36 attempts, I would get maybe one usable photo. Unsatisfied with the results, I would sheepishly ask my father for money to buy another roll of film. I was blowing through money faster than I could make it, and at the time, I wasn’t making any money whatsoever.

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The Art of Mindful Composition
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

The Art of Mindful Composition

In my early years as a photographer, upon getting my hands on a roll of film, I would rush out the door and snap away without care for composition nor exposure. My impulsive manner of shooting was akin to capturing lightning in a bottle. From the 36 attempts, I would get maybe one usable photo. Unsatisfied with the results, I would sheepishly ask my father for money to buy another roll of film. I was blowing through money faster than I could make it, and at the time, I wasn’t making any money whatsoever.

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Foster Success with the Power of Good Habits and the Destruction of Bad Habits
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Foster Success with the Power of Good Habits and the Destruction of Bad Habits

In the world of photography, success is often attributed to talent, creativity, and the right equipment. However, one critical aspect that is sometimes overlooked is the power of good habits. This week, I am going to write a bit about cultivating positive habits and replacing detrimental ones in order to find our talent and spur our creativity. The process of creating good habits not only enhances our photography skills, but also leads to greater success and satisfaction. Let’s dive into how we can harness the power of good habits to transform.

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From Imbalance to Fulfillment
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

From Imbalance to Fulfillment

Transformation is an intrinsic part of life, a process that each of us must undertake to reach our true potential. I have recently undergone a profound radical change, driven by a deep desire for balance, self-evaluation, and ultimate fulfillment. Inspired by my experiences, I created this blog to reflect and share my findings.

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Today, I begin a new life.
Mario Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Today, I begin a new life.

Welcome to the first of many blog entries. My name is Mario Ricardo Rodriguez, and I proudly call myself an artist, photographer, filmmaker, and storyteller. Yes, I am self-proclaimed! I create art. I capture photographs. I make movies. I tell stories.

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