Today, I begin a new life.

“Self-Portait” April 2024 - Shot with iPhone 14 Pro; Color Graded with Adobe Lightroom

Today, I start anew.

Welcome to the first of many blog entries. My name is Mario Ricardo Rodriguez, and I proudly call myself an artist, photographer, filmmaker, and storyteller. Yes, I am self-proclaimed! I create art. I capture photographs. I make movies. I tell stories.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. For me, that step has led me back to my first love and passion—photography.

My love affair with the camera began at the age of 14. The thrill of capturing a moment in time, the magic of preserving a memory forever, and the art of telling a story through a single frame drew me in like a moth to a flame. Over the last 20 years, this passion has only grown stronger. It has taken me on a remarkable voyage, from the street to the darkroom, from the classroom to working on film sets, to exploring towns, cities and states I never thought existed.

I spent twelve years in the world of motion picture, learning, exploring, and pushing the boundaries of what I could do. Each project was a new adventure, a new story to tell, a new challenge to overcome. I went from being a Production Assistant picking up coffee and parking cars to carrying sandbags and lights, learning how to light a set while attending film school at USC’s School of Cinematic Arts.

Upon graduating, I took a job as a camera operator for a local Spanish TV network. There I worked for a show called “Tengo Talento Mucho Talento,” the Spanish version of “America’s Got Talent”, and then did a year in local TV news. That year and a half working at that TV station taught me so much about what was possible as a filmmaker and image creator. All the rules and regulations, the bureaucracy and red tape, that was pressed upon us in film school all got thrown out the window. There I learned that anything is possible and you don’t need a ton of money to create it.

I joined Local 600 - International Cinematographers Guild as a Camera Operator not long after leaving the TV station, but my timing was far from good. Having worked as a solo news field camera operator, I didn’t have the network to get me on the shows and productions I thought I would have a chance to work on. I put myself on the available list every week, but no one called. A year later, the COVID-19 lock-ins and the film making industry stopped. I knew then that there were no lifeboats coming, so I decided to build my own.

In May 2020, when the Los Angeles streets were empty and looked like a desolate wasteland, I directed my first independent PSA commercial for a contest being held by the US Census. Shout out to Byran Mendoza and Taha Sobhani for coming out to help me shoot this when the world was so uncertain. I produced and wrote this piece with my sister Thalia Domenica, who also did the voiceover, in a week. We didn’t win the contest, but in the grand scheme of things, I now had a piece that I had created.

Fast forward to a month or two later, I saw a job posting looking for a Director / Camera Man for short form drama content. I applied and after being vetted for nearly 6 months, I finally got to shoot my first short film as a hired director for the YouTube channel, Dhar Mann Studios. There I met some wonderful actors. After shooting 70 short films in 52 weeks, it pained to me leave. Why did I leave? Well, a few have an idea, and even fewer know the real reason, but that’s a story we can get into on a different post.

But as much as I loved directing these videos and working with the actors and crew members who I got to become friends with, something was missing. Was I working on my dream or was I working on someone else’s dream? In all I create, I put my best into it. I immerse myself fully. Now that I was out, I finally had time to think about what it was I really wanted and what all this work I had done over the last 10 years was really about and for.

In March 2022, I took a leap of faith and decided to return to the basics, focusing on still photography. It was a bold move, but it felt right. I longed for the simplicity and purity of a still photograph—the harmonious blend of thoughts, feelings, textures, and the active dynamic energy captured in a moment of life. The still image, with its unique ability to preserve a fleeting moment in all its glory, has always held a special place in my heart. It allows me to connect with my subjects on a deeper level, explore their stories, and share them with the world in a way that is both intimate and powerful.

Today, I start anew! Writing to you is more than just a fresh start; it is a reaffirmation of my commitment to my art and to myself. It is a promise to continue exploring, learning, and growing. It is an opportunity to push the boundaries of what I can achieve and to share my unique vision with the world.

As I embark on this new chapter, I am filled with excitement and anticipation. There is so much to explore, so many stories to tell, and so many moments to capture. Throughout my life, I have gotten to experience a few cycles of transformation and renewal. Each cycle smoldered to ashes, but promised an opportunity to rise again, stronger and wiser. Each phase has been a testament to resilience and growth, allowing me to fly higher and achieve greater heights than ever before. Yet, with a sense of humility and gratitude, I thank God for the lessons and blessings I have received.

Armed with artistic knowledge and opportunities, I am ready to learn from the masters of painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, and filmmaking. Their insights and successes will guide my growth and help me realize my creative potential. This path is rich with opportunities to capture beauty and truth. I get to experience the challenges that come with this path, and I am determined to rise above them.

From now on, I refuse to accept failure as an outcome. Nature did not design me to endure pain indefinitely or to live a life marred by failure. While some see failure as an inevitable part of the process, I reject it. There is no failure. There is only quitting. Yes, I have quit in my past, but not because I failed. I quit because it no longer served my purpose. Today, I embrace the principles that lead to success, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

Time, though a great teacher, is also limited. I recognize the importance of patience, much like nature takes time to create a magnificent tree. I am prepared to invest the necessary time to achieve greatness in my photography and filmmaking. With each click of the camera, with each print I create, and with each film I showcase, I move closer to realizing my full potential and turning my artistic dreams into reality.

I invite you to join me on this adventure. Together, we will explore the beauty and complexity of the world. We will celebrate the moments that make life extraordinary, and we will find the magic in the everyday, one moment at a time.

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From Imbalance to Fulfillment