Persist Until You Succeed

Cactus Garden” April 2024 - Captured with Minolta X-700 on 35mm FujiFilm 200 Color Negative; Color Graded with Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop

“I will persist until I succeed.
The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning; and it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal. Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step, yet success hides behind the next bend in the road. Never will I know how close it lies unless I turn the corner.
Always will I take another step. If that is of no avail I will take another, and yet another. In truth, one step at a time is not too difficult. I will persist until I succeed.”

-Og Mandino

Photography is the art form of creating images by capturing light from a moment in time and space with all its emotion and story. This pursuit requires an eager eye and technical know-how but also passionate dedication to the craft. As a photographic artist, a light-worker, I have chosen to devote my life to being a bright light in the world. This conscious decision to answer the call has given me the privilege to walk through and experience various creative landscapes. Throughout my life so far, I am finally coming to understand one vital lesson: persistence is the key to excellence.

Intuition and Inner Guidance

When I go out with my camera, there is no guarantee that a “breathtaking moment” will occur and I will be the one to capture it. When I go out with my camera, not every moment is meant to be photographed and not every photograph will be a moment of interest. Even when the shot isn't clear or the story feels uncertain, I trust that I am in the right place at the right time. I trust in my inner guidance system and intuition, my inner compass which helps me navigate through creative blocks, explore experimental methods, and trust in my artistic inclinations and innovate. I may not know the exact moment I will capture with my camera, but I trust that whether it's rain or shine, indoors or outdoors, on a bustling street or a tranquil mountainside, at a serene beach or in a vibrant garden, with friends or with family, I am destined to experience and capture the world's light at that precise moment.

Desire for Excellence and Triumph

My commitment to excellence and success in all my work is steadfast. I persist because I believe in the greatness of what I have to offer. Recognition is wonderful, criticism is welcomed, and indifference is accepted. My work will reach those it is meant to reach, and those who are meant to see it will find it. I will continue to share my creations because it is only right to share my God-given talent with others. After all, by using my skills and passion, I inspire and uplift those around me, and in turn, they also inspire and uplift me. Together, this shared energy fuels our collective desire for excellence, driving us to continuously elevate our craft and achieve greater triumphant heights.

Patience and New Perspectives

Even when I pause to reflect and shift my viewpoint, I understand that patience, sacrifice, and a willingness to see things from a different vantage point are essential to persistence. By embracing moments of stillness and contemplation, I gain new insights and approaches to my projects, allowing me to innovate and improve continuously. In the quote above, Mandino writes, “success hides behind the next bend in the road,” figuratively, I say “Yes!”—but that bend in the road is sometimes just a shift in perspective. It could be as simple as adjusting a slight tilt up or a major tilt down, moving a pace or two to the right or left, trucking in closer or out wider, or booming down to a lower position or up to a higher vantage point. These subtle changes in how I view a and approach a photograph and even a scene can make all the difference. It’s about understanding that the path to success isn’t always linear or straightforward. Sometimes, the breakthrough lies in those small adjustments, in the willingness to see things differently, to be patient with the process, and to persist through every twist and turn. This mindset allows me to uncover opportunities hidden in plain sight, to reach heights I never imagined, and to achieve the excellence and triumph I relentlessly pursue.

The Power of Persistence

Persistence is more than just about refusing to give up; it’s about consistently showing up and putting in the effort, even when the results are not immediate. It’s about believing in your vision and honing your craft every single day. This means experimenting with new techniques, seeking feedback, continuously learning, and more often than not dealing with the guarantee of failure and the emotions and lessons that come from it.

Failure is inevitable. Success is rarely smooth and often involves facing and overcoming various obstacles. Persistence involves getting back up, dusting yourself off, and pushing through the difficulties and staying the course when faced with setbacks.

True achievement often comes from sustained effort and dedication, not mere luck or chance. When I was young, I heard the saying, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.” Well, how do I get prepared? By taking action! Only through action will you truly see the opportunity presented, and when you take your opportunity, most people will stand in awe and say, “Lucky!” Luck, yes, from the perspective of the person who has yet to do the work or has not prepared enough to see the opportunity staring right back at them. No one sees the work that went into getting “lucky”. Even winning the lottery takes persistent ticket buying of weeks, months, and years. (Not financial advice.)

However, let me make it clear, one time action is not enough. It is through persistent action and effort that we reach goals, attain success, and if we are lucky, satisfaction. Recognition and acknowledgment from others will be earned through persistent efforts because achieving significant milestones leads to public admiration and respect. Consistent hard work leads to recognition and reward, demonstrating that perseverance is key to gaining respect and appreciation from others.

The small victories we attain along the way build a strong sense of confidence and self-belief. With this confidence, we can continue to push forward and achieve other small victories. This confidence comes from having done the work. Your belief in your capabilities strengthens, leading to even greater achievements.

One of the most significant milestones in my career was the creation of my fine art nude artwork collection. This project was born out of countless hours of experimentation and refinement. It was a testament to the power of persistence. Each piece in the collection shares a story of resilience and defiance, mirroring my own journey.

Advice for Aspiring Photographers

For those starting their journey in photography, my advice is simple: persist. There will be times when the path seems daunting, when self-doubt creeps in, and when the results don’t match your expectations. But remember, every single person has faced these moments. It’s the persistence to push through, to learn from each experience, and to keep building and creating upon the lessons from the previous day that will set you apart.

  1. Stay committed to your goals, understanding that every step, no matter how small, brings you closer to success.

  2. Recognize that obstacles are part of the journey and view them as opportunities to grow stronger and more resilient.

  3. Celebrate milestones by acknowledging your achievements along the way. Each milestone is a testament to your persistent efforts.

  4. Use your journey to inspire others by sharing your experiences and encouraging those around you to persist, especially when it gets tough.


Photography requires dedication, resilience, and above all, persistence. So, persist until you succeed. Keep your passion alive, embrace the challenges, and continue to create. Your persistence will not only shape your success but also define your journey as a photographer.

Persistence is a powerful force that leads to triumph, recognition, and inspiration. It has allowed me to grow, evolve, and succeed in ways I never imagined. So, whether you’re a budding photographer or a seasoned professional, remember: persistence is a powerful tool. Keep it in your arsenal and use it. Shoot, learn, grow, and most importantly, believe in your vision. Go out and get it!

Explore my NFT artwork collection, 'DEFIANT,' and join me on this journey of resilience and creativity.


Be Present: Live Each Day as if It Were Your Last


Greet Each Day with Love in Your Heart